The Mission - Part III

Harlot, Brian thought, as Anakata swept from the room. He dropped the offensive silk to the floor and kicked it across the room, then looked around for the closet. Ah. There.

His belongings had been neatly folded and/or stacked. He pulled out his black camel-hair robe and caressed it lovingly; it felt horribly scratchy against his skin. He had had a rash for so long that the nerves had started to numb, or die. But the harlot/temptress had done something to heal him, and he could feel the irritation in its full glory.

Actually, I must be grateful to the wench, he thought, and thank properly for what she has done.

Brian lay the robe on the bed, then picked up his shiny chainmail underwear. He grimaced at the thought of putting them back on, but knew that therein lay the path to salvation. The robe went on over this, rubbing unpleasantly against his skin. And then the holy symbol: a medallion which hung around his neck from a thick iron chain, depicting, in color on a black velvet background, Che Guevarra, each bullet in his dual bandoliers embossed with a different meaningful symbol, meditating in lotus position, while two purple, flying hippos fluttered over his head and two others stomped up and down on a dying octopus.

Now, he thought, I am ready, and there are Important Things that I must do. If only I had a map...

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